

This directory contains the Baremetal-specific code, including drivers, platform abstraction and examples. This is in contrast to posix, which can only run on a POSIX or Windows OS, or ca821x-api and ca821x-utils, which can be used in both OS and embedded contexts. The baremetal code is used on Cascoda’s Chili platforms, and can easily be ported to different MCUs.

Directory structure


Example applications. This folder includes examples for using the OpenThread CLI (ot-cli-*), using Thread Sleepy End Devices (ot-sed-*), interfacing with I2C or SPI sensors (ot-sed-sensorif), interfacing with actuators over UART (ot-cli-actuator), and interfacing with a host application over USB or UART (see CASCODA_BM_INTERFACE CMake configuration variable).


General baremetal drivers and API. This includes the EVBME (Evaluation Board Management Entity), which enables any host platform connected by USB/UART to control the device using EVBME commands.


Minimal baremetal driver. This contains the minimal functionality required to control a CA-821x via SPI without any of the extended EVBME functionality.


Port layer for the OpenThread stack. This enables using OpenThread on baremetal platforms with a CA-821x radio. The OpenThread API itself should be used for controlling the OpenThread stack.


Platform abstraction layers for different microcontrollers. These are split into seperate directories containing both vendor code from the MCU vendor and port code written by Cascoda.


Set of example drivers for extracting data from connected sensors and controlling actuators. This abstracts away from the base I2C/SPI bus protocols to C functions that simply return values.


Set of unit tests that are run at build time to verify common functionality.